Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winning Entries, Fine Art America Haiku Contest

I'm trying something new. Since taking a hiatus from my other blog nearly three years ago,  Elixir has been my hideaway to post photos and haiku that I have merged into images. I've always hoped people would stop by and enjoy a visit once in a while - and they have - but I haven't gone out of my way to share this space with anyone else. In October I started posting some of my work on the Fine Art America site, and have had a lot of fun hosting and participating in various contests. Recently I hosted a haiku art contest and decided to offer a spot here to the top three winners. Since six artists tied for the top three spots I am going to post links to their work here, as well as small versions of their images for the ones that provided them to me. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


First Place

Sharing first place are Sarah Conkle and Mike Nellums.

Sarah's image is posted below. Here is a link to a full resolution version of her image .

Here is a link to a full resolution version of Mike's image.











Second Place

Sharing second place are Mike Nellums, Chris Fooshee, and Scott Kingery.

Here is a link to a full resolution version of Mike Nellum's second image.

Here is a link to a full resolution version of Scott Kingery's image.

Here is a link to a full resolution version of Chris Fooshee's image. His image is posted below.

Third Place

Ann Horn's image (posted below) took third place in the contest. You can see a full resolution version of her image by clicking this link.